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Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Jesus' Death Reveals God's Love and Guarantees Final Salvation
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Jesus' Death Reveals God's Love and Guarantees Final Salvation
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus’ Death Reveals God’s Love and Guarantees Final Salvation ROMANS 5.6-11 I have heard it said – one hears all sorts of strange things in church – that John’s gospel is all about the love of God, but Paul’s letters are all about law, justice and hard, sharp things like that. W
Mark for Everyone - Teachings on Divorce
Mark for Everyone - Teachings on Divorce
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 10.1–16 Teachings on Divorce... ...In Britain during the early 1990s, from time to time a journalist would telephone a bishop or theologian to ask about divorce. It happened to me once. It’s a question every church, every member of the clergy, has to think
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Fourth Sunday of Lent- Year A 1 Samuel 16.1–13 Ephesians 5.8–14 John 9.1–41 Don’t miss the sinister moment towards the end of John’s great story. We were told from the beginning that the blind man’s condition from birth had nothing to do with previous sins, whether his own or
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Fulfilment of the Covenant
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Fulfilment of the Covenant
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Fulfilment of the Covenant ROMANS 10.5-13 Edward Elgar was the greatest English composer of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Among his many works, perhaps the best known is the Enigma Variations. As the second word of its name implies, it is a set of variation
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Parable of the Talents
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Parable of the Talents
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Parable of the Talents Matthew 25.14-30 As I write this, all over this country there are students – including one of my own children – who are taking examinations. In some cases these are not particularly serious. They will merely give the teachers and pupils a sense of how m
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Remnant of Grace
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Remnant of Grace
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Remnant of Grace ROMANS 11.1-6 These days, we know quite a lot about depression. Many books are written about it, many different therapies are on offer for it, and it is no longer a taboo subject in the way it was not long ago. The story of Elijah in 1 Kings 18 and 19 offers
Acts for Everyone part 1 - The Words of This Life
Acts for Everyone part 1 - The Words of This Life
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Words of This Life Acts 5.17-26 When our second child was born, we had decided on names. If it was a boy, it would be Oliver; if it was a girl, it would be Emily. Well, it was a girl (we got our Oliver later); but when we looked at her, we both knew she wasn’t Emily. Who was
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday of Epiphany Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday of Epiphany Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Third Sunday of Epiphany Nehemiah 8.1–3, 5–6, 8–10 1 Corinthians 12.12–31a Luke 4.14–21 The book of Nehemiah is an exciting and inspiring story. It is written in the first person, and its narrative is vivid and action-packed. Nehemiah, one of the many Jews carried away into e
2 Corinthians - Death and Glory
2 Corinthians - Death and Glory
by SPCK - N T Wright
Death and Glory 2 CORINTHIANS 3.7-11 The two teenagers were slumped in armchairs. Both of them had their headphones plugged into personal stereos, and had the faraway look of people being carried along by hidden sounds. One of them nodded her head gently in time with the beat. Th
Hebrews for Everyone - From Mount Sinai to Mount Sion
Hebrews for Everyone - From Mount Sinai to Mount Sion
by SPCK - N T Wright
From Mount Sinai to Mount Sion Hebrews 12.18-24 ‘The year we moved to London we gave each of the children a map of the city and a small guide to the main attractions. Predictably, each of them became excited over different things which the city had to offer. One was noting the ma
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - God's Promise and Abraham's faith
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - God's Promise and Abraham's faith
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s Promise and Abraham’s Faith Galatians 3.1-9 A famous story tells of the tight-rope walker Charles Blondin (1824–97), who set up a rope across Niagara Falls and walked across several times. So confident did he become that he made the journey backwards as well as forwards, an
Mark for Everyone - Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand
Mark for Everyone - Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 3.1–6 Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand... ...It’s difficult for me to remember what life was like when I was a boy. It’s even harder for young people today to imagine what it was like in their own country 50 years ago. Almost every- where has chang
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before Agrippa
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before Agrippa
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul Before AgrippaActs 26.1-11 One of the great, though controversial, bishops of Durham in the first half of the twentieth century was Hensley Henson. He was a brilliant speaker and writer, a much loved (though sharp-tongued) pastor, and a great campaigner on all kinds of soc
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Paul's Appeal to His Children
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Paul's Appeal to His Children
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul’s Appeal to His Children Galatians 4.12-20 The French teacher was a strict disciplinarian. We weren’t allowed to speak a word of English during the classes, and neither did he. Everything, even trivial comments or requests, had to be made in French. He was determined that we
Mark for Everyone - Teachings on the Sabbath
Mark for Everyone - Teachings on the Sabbath
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 2.23–28 Teachings on the Sabbath... ...The twentieth century saw a great deal of secret police activity. The KGB in the Soviet Union, and the Stasi in East Germany, were legends in their own lifetime during the Communist period. Several countries in Central
Acts for Everyone part 1 - The Stoning of Stephen
Acts for Everyone part 1 - The Stoning of Stephen
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Stoning of Stephen Acts 7.54-8.3 Francis Thompson was a strange and powerful English poet of the early twentieth century. He was a believing Christian, but his life had been sad and difficult in a number of ways. Yet in the middle of his personal suffering he discovered a str
The cry of the poor should bring grief to the people
The cry of the poor should bring grief to the people
by Andrew Pratt
The cry of the poor should bring grief to the people, yet balm is not found, there is mourning instead. The harvest is past and the summer is ended, the winter is coming, dread raises its head. Verses 2-3 follow Metre: 12 11 12 11 Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Andrew Pratt (born 1948
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Talons bared for conflict